How to understand my financial information in CaMSys? 

You may refer to Student Financial Guidelines to understand your financial information. Please log in to CaMSys. Go to Main Menu > Self Service > Account Activity > Account Enquiry>Summary tab and click the link ” Click here for student financial Guideline”


How is the Program fee calculated?

The fee is calculated based on credit hours & type of courses taken. You may refer to Finance or email ar@mmu.edu.my for further explanation on the fee structure of your programme.


When the bill is ready and how do I know?

Students will be billed starting week 3 of the trimester and Finance will notify through student campus emails. The due date is 14 days from the bill date.


What is the MMU Preferred payment method?

Our preferred payment method as below:

MMU E-Payment : To begin the payment process please click the link https://bit.ly/3i7hRml

Flywire (payment from overseas only): Go to https://landing-pages.flywire.com/landing/mmulanding



Why am I being barred FROM TAKING THE EXAM?

Students who failed to settle the outstanding fees upon the due date will be barred particularly from printing the final exam slips, viewing exam results and registering subjects for the following trimester.

Students are advised to pay early to avoid being barred. Please email  cmd@mmu.edu.my for any inquiries related to barring status.